
Obama is politicizing another shooting incident.

Every time we have a shooting happen Obama is quick to push gun control.

 Before the victims bodies are even cold, this piece of crap usurper is claiming we need tougher gun control laws to prevent things like this from happening.

 Well, Obama is a damn idiot and I'll tell you why. Every shooting that we have had, where innocent people were killed by a nut-job has happened in a so called gun free zone. So, you see how well the anti-gun laws work ? THEY DON'T!

Liberals have a big problem with our 2nd amendment. They don't want citizens armed. You can't enslave or bully a nation of armed citizens. So they want everyone unarmed, period. If you look at statistics they will show you places that have gun restriction laws have the highest crime rates and shooting incidents. That's because nut jobs on multi-medications don't want to face anyone who is armed, they want victims who are all helpless.

If you look at statistics for places where guns are all over the place, like open carry states etc. Crime is very low. Guns are not the problem. Guns are tools, just like any inanimate object it can be used for good or evil. So evil people are the problem and liberals have an issue identifying evil.

So, how can liberals be so stupid that they don't see that gun laws don't stop evil people from killing?
Well, let me tell you something, many good people out there who identify as liberals are just uninformed and don't see the big correct picture. But the liberals who work in Washington and make laws etc. They aren't so ignorant. They know that gun laws do nothing except disarm the good citizens, but that is their agenda. They don't care about mass shootings or deaths.

Their agenda is about disarming everyone and having a population with no guns and no self defense. A population that is unarmed is easy to control and to dominate. Which is why our 2nd amendment rights must be defended forever. And defended aggressively.

Lou Buren <><

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